Thursday, February 17, 2011

I saw the moon

So, this isn't exactly something Dylan said as much as something he did, that happens to run in the family... well, the male side anyways... haha...

Valentine's night we went out to dinner with my mom and Nana, coming out of Wingers Dylan pulled his pants down and MOONED ME!!  Little beast!!  after the initial laughter, then subsequent "don't you do that again!" my mom was on the phone with my brother Kevin, who is famous for being the "moon boy" in our family, so I take the phone and tell him that his nephew just proved he's got Jewkes boy blood running through him and Kev's direct response was "who'd he moon?!"  I just LOVE that he knew exactly what Dylan did from that one statement!  Oh boy, this is going to be a fun one!!  =)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stinkers vs Farts

From the backseat of the car today:

"Mom, I don't let stinkers anymore, they're all farts now, how come I'm not letting stinkers anymore?"

How do I answer that one?  I wonder what he thinks the difference is, he didn't elaborate when I told him I thought they were the same thing.  And, coming from him, they both stink!