Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Time to catch up

Wow, I thought I'd be a lot better than this at this!! 

Dylan went to his first Utes game this past weeked, we had a blast!  After tailgating with my brother for a good 5 hours before kickoff he was ready to take a nap when we got to our seats!  The entire 1st half of the game he just wanted to cuddle in my lap.  After having a snowcone at half time he spirited right up, he was the entertainment for a while, doing the shake-n-bake when they showed it on the screen (well, making up his own), then pretending he couldn't do the U with his fingers to the people behind us.  He really ended up having a lot of fun :)

This weekend we are going to head to Lagoon, so I'm sure there will be more fun things to blog about. 

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